Is your projector security sorted, or an easy target for thieves?
Whether you’re a busy school or a thriving business, it’s exceptionally important to ensure that your day-to-day AV equipment is fully protected so that it doesn’t become an easy target for opportunist thieves. What many don’t realise is that for just a one-off, affordable fee, you can secure and protect your office/classroom projector with a sturdy, impenetrable cage or robust mounting kit, making it impossible (or at least difficult) to access.
Projector theft is rife
Just a few years ago, projector theft in schools and small businesses was rife. Projectors are notoriously easy to lift, steal and even easier to sell on without any questions asked. Whilst security awareness surrounding AV equipment has improved in more recent years as projector technology has moved on, the threat remains. The challenge, therefore, is to find cost effective, sure-proof ways of securing your projector so that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands and end up costing you a lot of money.
Projector security solutions
Mounting your projector on the ceiling, using a professional mounting kit (with a durable column/ceiling plate), is a sensible way of restricting access. This will act as a deterrent to thieves too and prevent the projector being removed. For total projector security, more advanced systems such as those provided by PC Safe, are fixed in place with drill resistant locks. This introduces an added security dimension and even more protection.
Purpose-built cages, without losing functionality.
A purpose-built steel cage built around the projector, and fixed in place with a simple, easy to install plate, is also an effective deterrent. It still allows complete functionality, whilst ensuring appropriate ventilation, access to ports and tidy cable management. With the Projector Pluto Security Plate by PC Safe, an innovative swivel-ball mechanism ensures 360-degree rotation and a 35-degree tilt. Lockable security covers are also available.
Safeguard your assets with PC Safe
“Our projector security solutions integrate with all recognised AV projectors and are available from stock in a range of colours to match your requirements”, said a spokesperson for PC Safe.
“Whether you regard yourself as a low-risk or high risk environment, projector theft remains a very real issue that needs to be addressed. With so many different security risks and implications to manage these days, it’s perhaps too easy to overlook the need for effective projector security measures. Don’t forget that it’s going to be much more expensive to replace your projector, not to mention the disruption it will cause, than to invest in simple and effective security equipment, providing you with total protection and surety from theft.”
PC-Safe is a computer/AV hardware security expert. Give us a call to find out how our advanced security and protection equipment can help to secure your most valuable assets.